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Welcome to an insightful exploration of the economics behind the Indian Green Cardamom industry. As a prominent player in this market, Spice Shuttle brings you a comprehensive analysis of the factors influencing the price fluctuations of this highly valued spice. Delve into the challenges and opportunities that shape the industry, as we shed light on the fascinating world of Indian Green Cardamom trade.

Factors Affecting Prices: The price of Indian Green Cardamom is influenced by a multitude of factors. Supply and demand dynamics play a pivotal role, with fluctuations in production levels and consumer preferences impacting market prices. Climate conditions, such as rainfall patterns and temperature, significantly affect crop yields, leading to seasonal variations in availability and subsequently impacting prices. Moreover, geopolitical factors, export policies, and international trade dynamics also contribute to the volatility of cardamom prices.

Spices Board E-Auctions: Driving Transparency and Efficiency: Spice Shuttle operates within the framework of the Spices Board e-auctions, facilitating transparent and efficient trading practices. The Spices Board conducts two auctions, held at Spices Park Puttadi in Idukki, Kerala, and the Spices Board Auction Center in Bodynaykkannur. By leveraging the e-auction platform, market participants can access real-time market information, enabling informed buying and selling decisions. If we count, Today’s (28-06-2023) afternoon auction statistics reflect the sheer magnitude of this thriving market: a total auction quantity of 41,576.400 kg, with a sold quantity of 37,235.800 kg and a total sold value of ₹4,88,89,341.4. The average auction price stands at ₹1,312.97/kg, underscoring the significance and scale of the Indian Green Cardamom trade.

Challenges and Opportunities: While the Indian Green Cardamom industry presents immense opportunities, it also faces several challenges. Fluctuating weather patterns, pest attacks, and diseases pose risks to crop quality and yields, impacting market stability. Additionally, evolving consumer preferences and increasing competition from other cardamom-producing countries require the industry to adapt and innovate. However, with proactive measures, such as sustainable farming practices, technological advancements, and market diversification, the industry can overcome challenges and harness emerging opportunities.

Spice Shuttle’s Role: As a trusted player in the Indian Green Cardamom market, Spice Shuttle is committed to navigating these economic dynamics responsibly. We collaborate with farmers, ensuring fair prices for their produce while upholding ethical trade practices. By leveraging our expertise and network, we contribute to the stability and growth of the industry. Through strategic partnerships and a customer-centric approach, we facilitate seamless trade and foster sustainable business relationships.

Conclusion: The Indian Green Cardamom industry is a captivating arena that intertwines economic principles with the rich traditions of spice cultivation. As you immerse yourself in this comprehensive analysis, it becomes evident that the market’s magnitude and complexities demand a deep understanding of the economics at play. Spice Shuttle remains at the forefront, driving transparency, fostering growth, and embracing the challenges and opportunities within this vibrant industry.